Success Stories

How Xplora achieved conversion rates beyond 85% with Gigs

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Xplora, a leading global smartwatch company for kids, used Gigs to launch their own wireless plans, helping unlock a new recurring revenue stream, achieve checkout conversion above 85% and create a seamless customer experience.


United States




Products used

Gigs Connect

Gigs Dashboard

Gigs Payments

Company Size

100-200 employees

The Challenge

High barriers to offering SIM cards alongside smartwatches

Xplora provides an all-in-one smartwatch, phone, and GPS tracking device that keeps children and parents connected.

Xplora was founded with the mission of giving children a safe onboarding to digital life and encouraging a better balance between screen time and physical activity.

To offer SIM cards to their customers, Xplora needed a strong and reliable connectivity partner. However, offering mobile services came with very challenging obstacles:

No ability to customize pricing and bundles with additional services.

No opportunity to control and optimize customer experience and branding.

Highly limited ability to manage customer service requests and insights.

The Solution

Xplora leverages Gigs’ platform to turn their customers into subscribers.

Gigs Connect Solution

Gigs Connect: Xplora launched Xplora Connect in less than three weeks.

Using Gigs Connect, a hosted checkout optimized for conversion, Xplora launched Xplora Connect in less than three weeks. Xplora Connect is embedded directly into Xplora’s digital sales channels, meaning customers can seamlessly purchase, activate and manage their mobile subscriptions in just a few minutes.

Discover Connect
Gigs Dashboard

Deep insights and control across all plans in one neat overview with Gigs Dashboard

With the Gigs Dashboard, Xplora could significantly reduce their customer service and operational costs, giving Xplora full control over subscriptions, payments, device and SIM card management.

Discover Dashboard
Gigs Payments

Enhanced customer experience with Gigs Payments

With flexible subscription, refund, voucher and billing management, Xplora gained control of their users’ recurring payments and subsequently strengthened customer satisfaction.

Discover Payments

The Results

A next-level experience for kids and parents

“With Gigs' off-the-shelf solution, we could launch our mobile plans in a matter of days across the US and Germany, all while keeping complete control over our branding and pricing. Also, with Gigs’ powerful dashboards, we gain a 360 degree view into conversion rates, SIM activations, usage and more, helping us understand and improve the experience for parents even further.”

Sten Kirkbak

Sten Kirkbak

CEO of Xplora

3 min

Sign-up time

With Gigs, Xplora customers can purchase and activate their mobile subscription in less than 3 minutes.



With control over payments and branding, Xplora was able to double their revenue per user.


Conversion rate

By embedding SIM cards into the device at the factory, Xplora achieved conversion rates above 85%.

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